Hoi An, Vietnam rescue plan.
WhatsOrb Global Sustainability X-Change
WhatsOrb Global Sustainability X-Change
“It was only since the 60th that we got
our first glance on our planet from space. It was one of the biggest mind
changers ever. At that moment we started to realize that we are all united in
one big Eco system on a planet named ‘Mother Earth’! It’s all we have, be respectful
to it.”
Click also on: http://greenapplehoian.blogspot.com/2013/08/green-apple-hoi-blog.html
Hoi An's rescue plan!
Click also on: http://greenapplehoian.blogspot.com/2013/08/green-apple-hoi-blog.html
Hoi An's rescue plan!
- 1. Dike & Lock building in 3 phases
- 2. Public transport system
- 3. Separate lanes for bicycles
- 4. Construct buildings which integrate in the existing landscape
- 5. Education on all levels
1. Dike & Locks
Before writing about the
solutions which Hoi An could save from further decay on the environmental and
tourism front there are some very important issues where all who are involved
have to be convinced of to make this ‘rescue operation a success!
- Start to accept advice from engineering bureaus who built up expertise around the world about tackling flooding and erosion problems.
- Use the funds you have or get offered for the fully 100 % to save your town.
- You have to start today! No delays, no excuses. There is a tomorrow and your children and the world expect something left to make a living of.
- This problem is so big you need to make it a national & international issue!
- Get foreign companies involved with expertise in this field to manage this immense project.
About the
erosion problems at Cua Dai- and An Bang Beach!
Erosion always has been on
our planet! It’s the same with climate change. But humanity can accelerate
certain processes.
We all can agree that if you
stick your head in a car and connect the exhaust pipe inside you are dead in 5
minutes. For that reason we can conclude that all this CO2 in our environment isn't
a good idea!
One of the many local residence area's and sand dunes bulldozed away. An Bang. |
It’s the same with erosion:
bulldozing sand dunes away, cutting all the trees, building hydro dams which
stop sediment flowing down and fresh water, taking away mangrove, water coconut
trees, re-routing rivers, building into the sea, etc accelerates erosion!
So we start today or just
say we don’t take Hoi An’s problems serious!
A project
of 5 to 10 years
I suggest to build protection
for the erosion- and seawater level rising in 3 phases which can be done in a time-frame of 5 to 10 years.
So stop the Cua Dai
Bridge project partly and
make only a connecting road from the bridge directly west in the direction of
Hoi An.
about Phase 2 and 3
Phase 2 and 3 are to keep
water out of Hoi An and suburbs and to regulate the water flow in such a way
that the damage to houses is as little as possible.
Flooding on Cam Nam Island. |
Hoi An is situated in a
delta and therefore prone to flooding. Because the enormous urbanization in
this area – An Hoi, Cam Nam and Cam Kim - some flooding will always be part of
the environment.
What can be
done at An Hoi, Cam Nam
and Cam Kim
What can be done is change a
lot of concrete and asphalt by ‘road cover’ which is water permeable. Also all
the self made ‘concrete connections’ between gardens and streets have to be
removed. One of the biggest problems with flash rain fall is that the rainwater
can not be absorbed by the soil because of all the hard cover!
Roads have to be better constructed
with the surface of the roads made in such a way that water flows in the
direction of rivers instead of houses!!
Drainage system is from a
very poor quality and should be revised.
Poor drainage, hard road surface. |
No more building on any
island and sand plate in the Thu Bon-, Hoi An- and Coco River
Phase 1:
Build wave breakers before
the coast to get most of the kinetically power of the waves reduced before it
reaches the ‘beach’.
Wave brakers and a protective dike along 'Cua Dai Beach'. |
Build underground shore
protection, dikes and locks. Start with demolishing all the resorts south of
Cua Dai Street. Use the created space for a dike which is anchored in the
ground below. Also make artificial sand dunes and plant them with native plants
which grow and root fast.
Build groins to catch up
drifted sand. By building them in different lengths there is a chance to build
up some small beaches for small scale recreation.
Do some tests with mangrove
to get more coastal protection.
Phase 2:
Start building a north &
south dike in Cam Thanh where original the road to the Cua Dai bridge was
planned. It’s an extra buffer to stop a possible influx of water.
Extend it all the way to the
dike at Cua Dai Beach
and build locks in the river.
An example of a dike with road. |
Stop with all the shrimp
farms direct south of the Hoi An river and start replanting water coconuts. Use
this area as an extra overflow area in case of flooding.
Phase 3:
Start building an east &
west dike all along from Cam Thanh along Hoi An till Thanh Ha, the pottery
village. From here build it land inwards till a ‘level where flooding stops.
Under the dike from Hong Lanh
bridge till Cam Thanh it’s possible to make a waste water pipe all the way to
Cam Chau or Cam Tanh where a waste water treatment plant has to be build.
This way it’s easy to
connect all the waste water outlets which already exist with the main waste
pipe to the waste water treatment plant.
The dike in front of the old
quarter should be about 2 meter high, wide enough for a footpath, some small
trees, a fence and street furniture. Material should be used which fits the old
Locks should be build in
front of the canal mouth between An Hoi and Hoi An. Also a lock between An Hoi
And Cam Nam.
In combination with a better regulated water flow from the Hydro dam it should
prevent damage to the old town.
Rivers should be dredged for
a better water drainage. Especially the Thu Bon River mouth needs a lot of attention.
Hydro electric dams should
be better managed.
An Hoi, Cam Nam and Cam Kim
- with this solution - will always be effected by floods. A dike around these
islands would be very complex and water needs to spread out.
First priority is the old
quarter of Hoi An.
Sure people will oppose this
idea but it has a lot a of benefits.
- The direct view on the river from street level on Hoi An gets lost.
- View from An Hoi to Hoi An gets limited.
- An Hoi, Cam nam and Cam Kim still get flooded.
- The old quarter is protected.
- Pedestrians can walk save ‘at all times’ along the river on the dike.
- Pedestrians have an ‘elevated’ view on the river, Hoi An and An Hoi.
- It’s still possible for tourists to have a view on the river from the first floor of restaurants & cafes.
- Easy access to a waste water pipe.
- A lot of jobs in hospitality will be saved.