Monday 17 August 2015

Blog, About Us

Let's keep Hoi An Clean!

Green Apple Hoi An wants to promote Hoi An as the greenest tourist destination in Vietnam.
We all living in a fast changing world. We travel, we have our businesses. We have our families and are part of Hoi An.
More and more we see on the news, read in the papers or see where we live that there are environmental issues to address. It doesn't matter if you believe in man-made climate change, in natural cycles or may be even both! We all know that certain materials don't belong in the environment.
Green Apple likes to promote Hoi An as the greenest tourist destination in Vietnam. By showing that expats together with the locals seriously want address environmental issues. We all come from countries & cultures where we are aware, discuss and take action. Why not do this in Hoi An?
Green Apple doesn't expect to make big steps. However, we do believe that one small action/step can collectively make big change! If we could make our impact upon the local environment a little less over the next few years then that would be good for nature, for the people, tourism, the environment and we can use it as a new marketing tool to promote Hoi An and your green business and activities.
On our blog we want to make free listings for businesses and activities that are green, a little green or have green elements for a start. Your restaurant doesn't use MSG? You let your customers refill their bottle of water out of a big water jar? You don't use plastic drinking straws, promote local fresh fruit juices over drinks out of a can? You're in!
You organize bicycle tours, rafting, sailing, surfing you're in! Your hotel has a solar water heater, solar panels you're listed. You organize green activities once a month, let us know!
You know where you can print on recycled paper, use natural based ink, products which are made from natural materials, etc let us know! We will publish this so all can benefit from it!
Every 4 weeks we organized cleaning activities "Clean Sweeps" at spots in and around Hoi An. Since April 2013 we hope Vietnamese them self will take the initiative to organise Clean Sweeps in and around Hoi An. We will be pleased to get an invention to help!
We're happy to put photos and clips about any green subject and activity in and around Hoi An which shows that Hoi An is the greenest tourist destination in Vietnam.

Let's Keep Hoi An Clean!